Over the duration of my career, I've built up an extensive portfolio which features award-winning user experience and user interface design solutions for Government organisations, financial and educational institutions, and entertainment and e-commerce industries.

I've worked in hybrid UX/UI roles, roles which are solely focused on UI/Visual design and roles that are purely research orientated.

CX Awards 2020

Winning Excellence in the Public Sector, the Citizen Experience Award at The CX Awads 2020

I have a passion for helping designers grow their skillset and get the most out of their careers. This lead me to mentor for the Interaction Design Association, teaching skills in UX, UI, workshop facilitation, interaction design and career progression.

Mentoring for the Interaction Design Association

Four years ago I co-founded the Sydney Creative Customer Experience meetup to help Sydney-based designers grow their skillset and network with others in the industry.

To date, we've organised 50 face-to-face and virtual meetups. Due to the virtual nature of many of our events, our attendees live as far away as South Africa.

I have a curiousity for everything design and tech related. Here are some books I've been making my way through recently. If you have any book suggestions, please let me know!